Arthritis Pain Eliminated

I had a crunching in my neck, some lower back pain, and very severe arthritis in my knees. My knees would hurt so badly that I hardly noticed the little twitch in my hip. I also have Type II diabetes and very high blood pressure.

I had taken calcium for the arthritis, but it did not work. I had also been on some prescribed medicine from the doctors, but the consequences of taking it were scary.

I clean offices twice a week, but I was just about ready to give that up because I was hurting so badly. When I was done, I was just exhausted. I would go home and collapse.

About three years ago, I found out that an expert for the 90 essential nutrients formula was going to be in town, so I just showed up. While I was there, I met an older man who had had cancer. He testified to me that the formula was really helping him and his wife. So I bought it. I took it even though I didn’t really believe it was going to work.

About three weeks later, I was sitting on my couch, and I said to my wife, “I don’t have any pain. It’s gone.” The crunching in my neck and the back pain were gone. Since my knees were also gradually feeling better, I noticed the twitch in my hip.

I took the formula for a long time and then I quit taking it for about two years. I was going to a doctor and she was giving me shots for my hip, which were helping some. However, the pain did come back and it was really bad, so I finally told her I was going back to the formula because I knew it worked. Within three weeks of being on the formula again, the pain was gone.

Now I can just go and do my job and I don’t hurt as badly. I also have the energy to do something when I get home.

You never know how sick you are until you feel better. I knew I felt bad, but even when I started feeling better, I didn’t know how much better. Even today I feel better than yesterday.

If you’re just starting on the formula, be patient. Give it a little time. Don’t expect it to happen overnight.

John N.