I recently had a comprehensive health test done because I have a family history of heart disease and my insurance policy was ending. The test shows the condition of your heart, arteries, liver, lungs, gallbladder, etc.
The test revealed that I’m very healthy. The blood clots and plaque build-up I once had in my arteries are gone.
My doctor said I must be doing something very good nutritionally because that’s the only way to get rid of plaque that has already built up. I told him that I was taking enzyme supplements and he said to keep doing it.
I’m pretty amazed that I’m so healthy because I’ve had a lot of health problems.
I have had numerous breast surgeries and after every single one I would get terrible infections.
Since I started taking enzymes four years ago, I’ve had four surgeries and haven’t had a single infection.
I also haven’t had to deal with the depression that women who’ve had breast cancer typically face and I attribute that to the enzymes. They balance my body and help me digest all of the nutrients I need, which I know makes a difference.
Thanks to enzymes, I’m so healthy now that I got a new insurance policy without any problem.
Janet B.